Why I Will Vote to Repeal the Death Penalty
Saturday, October 13, 2012
On November 6th, I will vote in favor of
California Proposition 34, to replace the death penalty with life in prison
without possibility of parole.

Some people will vote for Prop 34 because of evidence that we
have executed innocent people. The
recently available DNA tests have exonerated many condemned prisoners, and
those exonerations call into suspicion a percentage of the rest. Even one such execution would be too
many. It is also evident that a
disproportionate number of the condemned were poor, marginally educated, and/or
persons of color. I accept these as
worrisome aspects of our current law.
Some people will be impressed by the list of leaders who
support repeal. Jeanne Woodford presided
over 4 executions as Warden of San Quentin State Prison. Donald J. Heller wrote the wording for the
1978 law (Proposition 7) that established our current death penalty, and Ron
Briggs led the successful campaign to get it passed. John Van de Kamp was Attorney General of
California from 1983-1991. Antonio R.
Villaraigosa is the current mayor of the City of Los Angeles. Carlos Moreno voted to uphold about 200 death
sentences in his time on the California Supreme Court, defendants who he says,
"richly deserved to die." But Moreno supports Proposition 34, because
"there’s no chance California’s death penalty can ever be fixed.” I am not a band-wagon kind of guy, but it is
an impressive list.
I do not even support Prop 34 because
of a personal friendship with one of those 725 inmates on San Quentin’s Death
Row. My interest in the death penalty
goes back to the 1960 execution of Caryl Chessman, when I was in the 4th
grade. I have now spent 52 years
thinking on the subject, read dozens of books, sat down with the assistant
warden who supervised Chessman (“He was the most evil man I ever met.”), and
made it a central theme of the novel I can’t find the time to finish. About ten years ago I began a pen-pal
relationship with a serial killer who had already been on Death Row about eight
years. Twice, I have been to San Quentin
to be locked in a visitor cell with him.
The reports are that the 725 people who will be most affected by Prop 34
hope it won’t pass. (As convicted felons,
they don’t get to vote.) They know that
more Death Row inmates die of old age than of lethal injection, and that Prop
34 would deny them their roomier cells, and dump them in with the general
population. As my serial-killer friend
told me, “This place is full of some really scary people.”
All of these are good reasons to vote
for Prop 34, but my own reasons are Biblical.
In this I have reached a very different conclusion than many of my
Christian brethren. I have grown to
accept a line of argument in the Mennonite tradition, though I am not,
otherwise, Anabaptist in my theology. In
this, I am most indebted to Against the Death Penalty: Christian and Secular
Arguments against Capital Punishment, by Gardner C. Hanks (1997).
Most Christians see the primary
instruction on capital punishment as coming from God’s commandment to Noah
(Genesis 9:6), “Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood
shall be shed, for in the image of God He made man.” However, this is neither the first nor the
last statement by God on the subject.
When the world’s first murder occurred (Gen. 4:8), God invoked
banishment as Cain’s punishment. Cain
protested that this would put his own life in jeopardy, and God pronounced a
seven-fold judgment against such vengeance.
As we analyze what we hope to accomplish by Capital Punishment, it had
better not be vengeance, because God reserves vengeance as His right, alone
(Rom. 12:19). For one thing, it is
always human nature to take vengeance beyond even what God may have sanctioned. By the end of Genesis 4, a fellow named
Lamech is bragging, “If Cain is avenged sevenfold, then Lamech
It is in the context of just such
violence (Gen. 6:11) that God chooses to end the cycles of vengeance by wiping
out the violent. He will start over with
Noah. God’s first choice for dealing
with murder was banishment, but man could not live up to that plan. So in order to prevent such cycles of revenge
killings, God issues His second-choice, the commandment in Gen 9:6. God is extremely concerned to have peace
within mankind’s communities.
In the New Testament, Jesus does not
speak often of murder, but when he does, he convicts us all, “But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother
shall be guilty before the court; and whoever says to his brother, ‘You
good-for-nothing,’ shall be guilty before the supreme court; and whoever says,
‘You fool,’ shall be guilty enough to go into the fiery hell.” (Matthew
Curiously, when Jesus goes to the
cross, the most immediate beneficiary is Barabbas. A condemned murderer, in a one-for-one
exchange, Jesus died in his place and Barabbas walked free (Matthew 27, Mark
15). In faith, I believe that Jesus died
for my sins, as well, but even those without faith can see how Jesus died in
place of Barabbas. After the
crucifixion, every subsequent execution in the Bible is for being a Christian.
I believe a sentence of life in prison
serves as the banishment that was God’s first choice for murderers. Life without parole serves God’s interest in
protecting society and in forestalling cycles of retaliation and
vengeance. Within the idea of justice, there
is the further sense that a crime has knocked things out of balance, and that
someone must pay in order for there to be a return to balance. This is the requirement that often calls for
the perpetrator to suffer execution. But
my theology tells me that Christ died to supply that return to balance. There are earthly requirements for the
purpose of restitution or for protecting society, but my theology tells me
Christ died to restore the cosmic balance for the debt of all sin. He also died in hope that no human soul
should ever have to enter hell, and that none is so far gone as to be beyond
I believe, when I was visiting my
friend on Death Row, that I recognized guards escorting David Westerfield to a
visitor’s cell. Some readers, just
seeing his name, will experience anger.
To call him “good-for-nothing” or “fool” hardly seems strong
enough. Yet Jesus tells me I jeopardize
my own soul for thinking such thoughts.
I believe it works like this: Hell is a place intended primarily as a
punishment for Satan and his demons. Though
souls who reject God will go there, it has always been God’s hope that none
would ever do so. The reality of Hell is
so horrible that we humans should never wish it on any fellow human, no matter
how heinous their crimes. Rather, we
should hope and pray for every soul, right up until the time when God, in His
sovereignty, takes that person’s life.
Vengeance is His. The timing is
His. Life without parole protects
society, and I will vote for Prop 34.
Posted by
11:07 PM
Labels: 2012 Elections, Bible, California, Christian Worldview, Friday 10:03, History, Politics
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